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sustentacular cell meaning in Hindi

sustentacular cell sentence in Hindi

आलंबन कोशिका
sustentacular    धारी
cell    बिल कुटीर बैटरी
1.These cell balls are separated by fibrovascular stroma and surrounded by sustentacular cells.

2.The olfactory epithelium consists of olfactory sensory cells, sustentacular cells and basal cells.

3.FSH stimulates sustentacular cells to release androgen-binding protein, which promotes testosterone binding.

4.The sustentacular cells are S-100 positive and focally positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein.

5.Supporting cells, called sustentacular cells, provide metabolic and physical support to the receptors by insulating the cell and regulating the composition of the mucus.

6.The " supporting ( sustentacular cells ) " are mostly arranged like the staves of a cask, and form an outer envelope for the bud.

7.These ultimately leave the trabecular sheaths, and terminate in the proper substance of the spleen in small tufts or pencils of minute arterioles, which open into the interstices of the reticulum formed by the branched sustentacular cells.

8.Anti-M�llerian hormone ( AMH ), or M�llerian-inhibiting substance, is a glycoprotein hormone that is secreted by sustentacular cells ( Sertoli cells ) in males as they begin their morphologic differentiation in response to SRY expression.

9.Sustentacular cells are supporting cells of the seminiferous tubules of the testis, responsible for the differentiation of spermatids, the maintenance of the blood-testis barrier, and the secretion of inhibin, androgen-binding protein, and Mullerian-inhibiting factor.

How to say sustentacular cell in Hindi and what is the meaning of sustentacular cell in Hindi? sustentacular cell Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.